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Name: Notaclue colly  ????  
File: NICE_-_Notaclue_colly.lzx
Download: Download! No deductions from user account.
Size: 676.85 KB
Clicks this month: 0
Overall clicks: 4
Author: N-ice
Author website: n/a
Alternative Download: n/a
This download was added on Sun Jun 21, 2015 1:57 pm by AmigaDemos
and last edited on Sun Jun 21, 2015 1:58 pm by AmigaDemos
Last download on Wed Jun 14, 2023 1:08 am

Demo tested on/with: WinUAE
Requires: Amiga 1200
How the demo works: load the pictures from wb

Thiz Collie was all done by '???' or as spoken 'NoTACluE' of N-iCe, And is
his first colly... in fact his first release ever...
The signatures, Naming and thiz textfile has been done by me, Fairydust

Thiz release was done 2 show ya a little more of the abilities of our team,
cummin' up soon will be a mod-collie an intro, a demo, a crack and uf Cuz'
sum' doors...

Of Cuz' none of the picciez in thiz colly has ever been released before but
thiz is the first file you'll get 'em in...

All work has been done in haste and especially for thiz collie... Our
graphician can do better, but have just played around a little...

Anyway... watch out 4 future N-iCe release's there'll be a lot of 'em...

Fairydust / N-iCe Worldleader

ALL GRAPHICS BY '???' / 'NoTACluE' oF N-iCe !!!

iF yA gOT tHE sPiRiT aND wANNA jOiN a N-iCe group Smile read thiz...

---*** //emBa'z ***---

╗FAiRYDUST½ ^#^ ╗World Leader, Coder, Cracker, Sysop½

╗'???'/'NoTaCluE'½ ^#^ ╗Graphics Artist½

╗Thorpe½ ^#^ ╗Ansii+Ascii Artist½

╗sT0RM½ ^#^ ╗Ascii Artist, Sysop½

╗cASE½ ^#^ ╗Sysop½

╗Naeblis½ ^#^ ╗Coder, Cracker½

╗Deejay½ ^#^ ╗Musician½

╗kiLLERsMuRF½ ^#^ ╗Sysop, Trader½

╗aDDE½ ^#^ ╗Door Coder½

---*** Boards ***--- --* NuMbA *-- --* sYsOP *--

WHQ //ooNblOOd 46-FinD-iT !!! FAiRYDUST


SHQ Moldavia 46-FinD-iT !!! cASE

HQ DusT iN SpAcE 46-aSk-aRoUNd kiLLERsMuRF

N-iCe iS lOOkiN 4 U ???

N-iCe iS lOOkin for new memba's with a N-iCe attitude...
What we DON'T need is people thinking to high of themself,
goin' around tellin' every1 how eLiTE or how fuckin' cewl
they are... If you feel you're one of those then bug oF !!
We DON'T need you...
What we DO NEED is some other guy's who is good at what
they do! and tries to understand the true meaning of the
word eLiTE!
N-iCe do not need a whole bunch of memba's doin' nothing
but tellin' every1 how cewl they and their mate's are,
we wan't to be a bit smaller group of good and active
friends who will try to become ONE of the FEW tRuE eLiTE
groups there are today...
Perhaps we will not succeed, but we will at least help to
keep the dream alive!

cODERs, cRAckERs, Graphic Artists and Musicians are what
were lookin' for in first hand...
we don't need any more Swedish sysops...

* * - * *

iF yA FeeL tHAT yOU aRE tHE GUY wE wAN'T! aND iF yOU'D
LiKE tO jOiN a gRoUp wiTh a N-iCe sPiRiT...
cONTACT Fairydust or sT0RM oN aNy N-iCe board or on IRC.

* * - * *

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